About Antananarivo - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Antananarivo is the capital of Madagascar. It is located in the center of the island, in a rocky area and hardly accessible at 1600 meters altitude. It is the largest city in Madagascar. The main industries are food processing, tobacco and textiles.
Antananarivo was founded in 1625. In 1797 it was declared the capital of the Merina kings. The conquests of King Radama I made Antananarivo the capital of the total islands. The city was captured in France in 1895 and incorporated into the protected Madagascar.
Antananarivo | Antananarivo is the capital of Madagascar. It is located in the center of the island, in a rocky area and hardly accessible at 1600 meters altitude. It is the largest city in Madagascar. The main industries are food processing, tobacco and textiles
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