About Antwerp - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Antwerp recieved a rating of 3.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Antwerp, Flanders
Antwerp (Antwerpen Neerlandeza-, French-Antwerp, Antwerp English-, Spanish-Amberes) is a city in the Flanders region of Belgium and at the same time, the provincial capital with the same name.
The total population of the city of Antwerp is 472,071 inhabitants (census of 1 January 2008), holding in this regard, first among municipalities in Belgium and spread over a total area of 204.51 square kilometers, ranked third, after the municipalities Tournai and Couvin. It has a population density of 2308 inhabitants per km / sq. The city lies mostly in along the right bank of the river Scheldt connection and is famous for its port, one of the largest in Europe.
The first signs of life were found on the right bank of the river Scheldt Christ still dynamic. It was subsequently destroyed by the Vikings, they had built a little higher than the first settlement and fort became the German Empire Granite 970.
Fortress was quite small, so it was reinforced with stone (and it appeared castelutul Steen), and St. Norbert in the 12th century monastery founded St. Michel Abbey.
In the 14th century became the most important economic center in Western Europe (major port and market for wool), then the county of Flanders 1356, after 50 years in which he lost many privileges in Brugge's face, began the Golden Age of the city: the largest center of culture and commerce, "the most beautiful city in the world" (said Lodovico Guicciardini), after which the city fell prey to political and religious wars (between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Spanish) and led, after several conflicts since the fall of Antwerp in 1585 site.
After this event, the city was under Spanish occupation and this led to an economic disaster and social (the city's population dropped to below half, reaching 40,000 in 1590). Until the 19th century was not anything good happened in this city, especially as traffic on the Scheldt was blocked, making the metro area, some provincial town.
The city was "liberated" by the French in 1795, sensing the importance of Napoleon's strategic location (city is the hardest to conquer the world because of the position, the many strongholds, and the channel to the sea), and in this period (1792 -1815) have huge bases bus port today, but instead a lot of art and culture the city has been robbed, there are even plans to demolish the cathedral and other buildings.
After Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo (1815), the town belonged to Holland, but only up to the Belgian Revolution of 1830 when the canal was again closed.
Period good resumed in 1863 (when the Belgians have bought the right of navigation on the river) and channel traffic on the Scheldt and is free until today, and this city back in the line of flotation, and glory.
Since then and until today only heavy periods were the World Wars: in both was conquered after long sieges by the Germans, and in World War II is said to destroy the port, the Germans fired more missiles than any other target of Europe, but have managed only in small measure, however the city was very disturbed, and his reconstruction lasted long enough.
Sinjoren diminutive inhabitants of Antwerp is, after the Spanish word "senor", which means "lord" or "gentle." It refers to a Spanish nobleman, who led the city during the 17th century.
It is located on the right bank of the river Scheldt which is linked to the North Sea through the Westerschelde estuary. The city has one of the largest seaports in Europe.
According to myth, the city got its name from a legend about a giant who has called Antigoon and who lived near the river Scheldt. He claimed a toll of evil, and for those who refused to cut one of my hands and throw them into the river Scheldt. Eventually, the giant was killed by a young hero named Brabo (a Roman soldier), who cut his hand and take arunct a huge river. Hence the origin of the name of the city, who once was called "Hantwerpen" (Hand Throwing = throwing hand)
The city is currently one of the most prosperous in the world by the dimante trade, petroleum, light industry, and has one of the most busy ports in the world and also is also one of the fashion capitals, a city of culture and social events .
Antwerp | Antwerp (Antwerpen Neerlandeza-, French-Antwerp, Antwerp English-, Spanish-Amberes) is a city in the Flanders region of Belgium and at the same time, the provincial capital with the same name.
The total population of the city of Antwerp is 472,071 inhabitants (census of 1 January 2008), holding in this regard, first among municipalities in Belgium and spread over a total area of 204
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