About Bergen - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Bergen is a city in the county of Hordaland, western Norway. The city has about 239,209 inhabitants and is the second largest city in Norway. The "Bryggen" district of Bergen was listed in 1979 on the list of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage.
Bergen was founded in 1070 by Olav Kyrre and was considered the capital of Norway until 1299.
The city covers an area of 465 km² and is located on the southwest coast of Norway, between the 7 mountains. The city is famous for the high level of rain / rainfall. The longest period of uninterrupted rainfall was between January 3 and March 26, 1990, when it rained daily for almost three months.
The houses in the area are small and colorful, most of them being places from which to buy different souvenirs.
Norway is known to have Viking roots. Near Bergen there is a medieval wooden church, called Fantoft Stave, the only one left from all over Scandinavia.
Bergen | Bergen is a city in the county of Hordaland, western Norway. The city has about 239,209 inhabitants and is the second largest city in Norway. Bergen was founded in 1070 by Olav Kyrre and was considered the capital of Norway until 1299
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