About Billund - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Billund recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Billund, Denmark
Billund is a small town in Denmark, a picturesque place famous for its multicolored buildings.
Billund is a city with a population of 6,034, located in the southern region of the Jütland peninsula. The city became famous through the LEGO game production facility and the Legoland amusement park.
The name of the city is first pronounced in 1510, when Billund was a hamlet where only a few people lived.
Billund is at a distance of approx. 13 km from Grindsted, 56 km from Esbjerg and 27 km from Vejle. The city has an international airport with a runway of 3100 m.
Billund | Billund is a small town in Denmark, a picturesque place famous for its multicolored buildings.
Billund is a city with a population of 6,034, located in the southern region of the Jütland peninsula
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