About Boekelo - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The village consists of two populated centers, one in the east of the Protestants and one in the west of the Catholics. The two parts of the village were separated by the Boekelo river and several fields. Each party had its own church, school, hairdresser, shop and pub. The factories were all in the east side. When segregation disappeared, the stores lost their Protestant or Catholic exclusive clientele. Meanwhile the Catholic school moved to the east, the western grocery store closed and the western pub became a beverage store. New shops and houses were built in the eastern part, which is now considered the center of the village and which is 10 times larger than the western part.
The village and its surroundings attract many tourists, there are beautiful cycling and walking routes, including the water mill in Oele, Buurserzand, Haaksbergen and Twekkelo. Information about this can be found at the tourist information point on Windmolenweg, right next to the De Buren restaurant. In Usselo, a few kilometers from Boekelo, there is the flour mill at Wissink's Möl, a post mill from 1802.
The Twente coulisse landscape of Boekelo is home to historic estates, including Hof te Boekelo (an original possession of 1570), De Weele, Zonnebeek and 't Stroot.
"Museum Buurtspoorweg" regularly runs a historic museum railway with restored steam locomotives and wagons from Boekelo to Haaksbergen. Halfway, the "Zoutindustrie" station is next to "Bad Boekelo Hotel".
Boekelo has an annual international equestrian sport event, "The Military". Just outside the village there is an 18 hole golf course and a driving range.
Boekelo's history is determined by farms, land and markets, sales, inheritance and adjustments. Due to the opening of the Winterswijk-Boekelo-Enschede-Hengelo railway line in 1885, the industry settled in Boekelo.
Boekelo | Boekelo is a Dutch village in the Enschede district in the south of the Netherlands with a population of about 3,000 people and is located just west of the village of Usselo. The village is best known for the international equestrian military event, Boekelo
Enschede, but also for the salt industry that later moved to Hengelo and the Grolsch brewery, which moved here leaving the factories in Groenlo and Enschede
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