About Bogota - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The city is also very green, due to its parks and hills that extend along its eastern border, dwarfed by their two high points, Monserrate and Guadalupe, a sea of green impossible to find in any other big city.
Bogotá also has the colors of modern buildings and authentic roof tiles, which are a true historical treasure from the colonial era.
Due to this fusion of past and present, the city is an ideal location with history, entertainment, delicious cuisine, culture, business and more.
Here, all cultures from different regions of the country have their place, from the kitchen of the coffee triangle to the delight and joy of the Caribbean or the craft heritage of the city of Boyacá and the Valle de Cauca festival.
The weather in Bogota is mild, during the day, the temperature generally varies between 8 ºC and 20 ºC, so autumn clothes are perfect, you must also have an umbrella permanently as the Bogota climate is prone to frequent showers.
The city is located 8,530 meters above sea level, in the GMT-5 time zone and does not adjust its time in spring.
Bogotá uses an integrated public transport system, you can plan your trip in advance using the TransMilenio website and the Moovit application, available for iOS and Android.
If you are taking a taxi, it is best to order one by phone or using a mobile application from a company known as Easy Taxi or Taxis Libres. Apps like Beat, Uber and Cabify are also used in Bogotá and can help you get around without any hassle.
Bogota | Bogota is the capital and largest city of Colombia and also the capital of Cundinamarca, a diverse and multicultural city, where the past and the present meet, an ideal location with history, entertainment, delicious cuisine, culture, business and more,
located at 8
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