About Brno - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Brno is a city with a friendly, cosmopolitan atmosphere, which offers its locals and tourists colorful and lively festivals.
It is also the perfect destination for walks in the middle of nature, the city being surrounded by clean forests with paved paths.
Brno was founded in 1243 by Václav I of Bohemia, but the area has been inhabited since the fifth century.
In Brno 1,569 Romanian soldiers buried in the battles to liberate the Czech Republic and Slovakia are buried.
The name of the city comes from an ancient Slavic word, gnie, meaning mud.
Brno | Brno is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, located relatively close to three major European capitals: Prague, Budapest and Bratislava,
being the second largest city in the Czech Republic. Located in the southeastern part of the country, where the Svitava and Svratka rivers meet, the city is the most important political and cultural place in the South Moravian region, located at the foot of
some old trade roads, between the Bohemian Heights and the plains of southern Moravia and enjoy a moderate and pleasant climate
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