About Brussels - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Bruxelles recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (6 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Brussels, Brussels Region
The first mention of the city is around 700, when St. Vindecean, bishop of Cambrai, Brussels fell ill during a visit. In the tenth century, Brussels was a city on the shores Zenei. Brabant was divided into four Noble, and the city was the capital of one of the four. Zena was navigable to the city. In the eleventh century Brussels was a deal, being on the trade route from Bruges to Cologne. In the twelfth century, the Count of Brussels becomes duke of Brabant. In 1229, Brussels has received city rights from Henry I of Brabant. The city acquired the right to have its own board and tissue industry has become important. Towards the end of Austrian rule, established in Brussels were several families of nobility. Under French rules, the role of the center of Brussels has increased.
On the birth of Belgium, in 1830, the city was populated by native Flemish, Walloons and, German-and French-speaking Parisian home. Under Leopold II of Belgium, the city has undergone a major restructuring due to many modern buildings built to the national government. In this period were arranged numerous parks and major roads, and some modern new neighborhoods have been achieved. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century the town suffered a frenchification intense pressure which led to a francophone majority in the city.
Brussels has done little by little cosmopolitan city. The years 1960-1970 have been established in Brussels many immigrant families mostly from the former Belgian colonies and North Africa. In 1980-1990, consmopolitizarea went further, due to family wholeness. Among other great wave of immigration came from Central Europe.
In 2000, Brussels has been declared European Cultural Capital.
Brussels is the term used to describe the actual municipality of Brussels (French Ville de Bruxelles, neerlandeză Stad Brussel) formed in the center inside the territory bordered by small pentagonal ring city neighborhoods Laeken European Headquarters, Avenue Louise and Bois, and contains about 150,000 inhabitants. Very often the term "Brussels" refers to the Brussels-Capital Region, a region composed of 19 municipalities around the village crowded Brussels, densely urbanized area, far exceeding the territory of Brussels. The region occupies 162 km ² and has over one million inhabitants, is one of the three regions of Belgium Federal State.
By extension, the word Brussels may also designate by metonymy EU institutions, most often the European Commission.
Brussels is officially bilingual, French and neerlandeză being the two official languages. The official name of the city is Brussels in Brussel in Dutch and French. French is the language of the majority population, and most used language. From the historical point of view, language was a dialect spoken in Brussels local dialect of neerlandezei brabantian.
Brussels has become an important center of many international institutions, the most important being the European Union. The region also contains the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and other international organizations 1000 and 2000 international corporations. Brussels is the third city in number of international conferences organized, making it one of the largest centers in the world meeting. The presence of EU and other international institutions to be made here that most ambassadors and journalists in any capital, ahead of Washington DC Many international schools have been established to deservii this presence.
Brussels uui economy is dominated by activities in services and public administration. Its role as a commercial metropolis of Brussels are a great center of Congress. Often these activities are related to the role of Brussels as the capital of Belgium and the European Union: European and international institutions including administrative services that revolve around them, ministries and national institutions, federal and regional head offices of most large Belgian companies , and European regional headquarters of many multinational companies, many advisory firms, legal services and lobbying groups Belgian and European hotel sector and tourism, air transport, road, rail, river;
Brussels | Belgian capital Brussels, the seat of government and federal parliament, and several federal entities: Brussels Capital Region, the Region of Flanders and the French and Flemish. Also, Brussels is one of the three capitals of the European Union (together
with Luxembourg and Strasbourg), Headquarters North Atlantic Treaty (NATO), Western European Union and Eurocontrol
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