About Cameron Highlands - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Cameron Highlands is one of the largest hills in Malaysia. It covers an area of 712 square kilometers. To the north, lies on the border with Kelantan and the western part of the shared border with Perak State. Located at the northwestern tip of Pahang, "Camerons" is located about 200 kilometers from Kuala Lumpur.
During the day, the temperature rarely reaches 25 ° C, while at night the temperature can sometimes drop to 12 ° C.
The region was first developed by the British in 1920. It has a population of over 34,000 inhabitants, which include: malaisieni, Chinese, Indians and other ethnic groups. The literacy rate here is higher than 88%.
It consists of eight districts. The three localities are: Ringlet, Tanah Rata and Brinchang. The five villages are: Valley Berta, Kea Farm, Tringkap, and Kampung Raja Kuala COUNTRIES, located at an altitude of over 1200 meters. The gateway to the mountainous areas is via Tapah or Simpang Pula.
Cameron Highlands was named the William Cameron, an inspector was sent to British colonial government in 1885. In a statement on his mapping expedition, Cameron said that he "saw" a whirlpool in the mountains, while in other areas, are gentle slopes and plains.
In 1958, the whole Cameron Highlands district was declared a reserve for deer. Four years later, became reserve for animals and birds. The highest peak is Mount Batu Brinchang area (in Malay: Gunung Batu Brinchang). At an altitude of 2031 meters was a radio and television.
During the colonial era, "Camerons" was a refuge for the sick. Currently, it is a destination for those wanting to escape the lowland heat. Over the years, there have been many changes in the resort. Here are some landmarks that have withstood time: All Souls' Church, Bala's Holiday Chalet, Cameron Highlands Golf Club, Foster's Lakehouse, HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad, Kamunting Road (Jalan Kamunting), Lutheran Mission bungalow, Moonlight bungalow, Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) bungalow, SK Convent Tanah Rata Post Office, Ye Olde Smokehouse.
Cameron Highlands | Cameron Highlands is one of the largest hills in Malaysia. It covers an area of 712 square kilometers. To the north, lies on the border with Kelantan and the western part of the shared border with Perak State
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