About Casablanca - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Orasul Casablanca recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Casablanca, Casablanca
With a population of over 5.5 million, Casablanca is Morocco's largest city and its port on the Main. It is also the largest city in the Maghreb. Casablanca is considered the economic and business center in Morocco, while the political capital of Morocco is Rabat. Port of Casablanca is one of the largest artificial ports in the world and the largest port in North Africa.
If you expect the film to the image of the city, be prepared to have a shock - the modern city of Casablanca is removed Oriental romanticism than any other place in Morocco. Casablanca impresses with modern, wide boulevards and buildings well maintained animated, high, white. Few things here conforms to traditional oriental image. If the city of Casablanca is the first place you visit in Morocco, have all chances to not like. But if you've seen before in other cities, you'll realize that the city is modern Moroccan style, is an excellent example of how the country manages its Moroccans. As you leave downtown, but you will wake up surrounded by poverty.
If something in this town that looks like the movie Casablanca when it comes to the old town. It is small, beleaguered by small houses and few places of real beauty and home to several thousand. On these narrow streets you can buy everything from spices to the animal pound. In one corner, the smell of pastries will make saliva, and in another place you can buy several varieties of olives.
Casablanca city walls give you a strange feeling - we are small and Dignified. A drastic change compared to other Moroccan cities, where city walls dominate the city's image. Characteristic aspects of Casablanca are wide boulevards and tall buildings. Streets as the sun starts from the Place de Nations Unies. This place is the center and also where the modern town meets the medina.
French colonial authorities paid special attention to the city. Colonial Center in Casablanca is not small and offers a refreshing beauty. Buildings are a French version of the Arab-Andalusian architecture, white, with lots of detail. Des Forces Armées Royales Avenue area deserves to be explored, but it shows a particular interest in the Place des Nations Unies, where the greatest structures. Marche Central of Casablanca is a small but successful version of a traditional Moroccan suuq. Here you will find vegetables, meat, marine products and handicraft items.
Since the Middle Ages, Casablanca was a prosperous city known as Anfa. In 1907, Casablanca was occupied by France. Under French administration has developed rapidly, and the modern city was built around a Moorish name suburbs. During the World War II, Casablanca was one of the three main landing points during the Allied invasion of North Africa. The city was the site in January 1943, U.S. President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill met and decided that their countries to fight to the unconditional surrender of Axis.
Casablanca | With a population of over 5.5 million, Casablanca is Morocco's largest city and its port on the Main. It is also the largest city in the Maghreb. Casablanca is considered the economic and business center in Morocco, while the political capital of Morocco
is Rabat
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