About Chiang Rai - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The city is located 785 km from Bangkok, in the heart of "Golden Triangle" - where Ruak and Mekong rivers meet, forming a border between Thailand, Myanmar and Laos.
The city was founded in 1262 Mangra (1239-1311), the 25th king of Ngoen Yang and first king of Chiang Mai's, and became the capital Mangra dynasty. She lost that status after setting up the new town Chiang Mai.
The city of Chiang Rai is famous due to its grand celebrations. Every year King Mengrai Festival takes place - the founder of the city. These days, the streets runs theatrical scenes, parades, competitions, music sounds cheerful. In May there is agricultural festialul Lynch, after the name of one of the fruits, you can find the freshest fruits and vegetables and handicrafts.
On the territory of this province is famous garden and the residence of the queen - mother, on Mount Doi Tung. Here I come to visit family members Rama IX and their guests. Will be heading to the Mekong River valley, on the surface "golden triangle", is recommended to visit the Opium Museum, where exhibits are gathered to talk about the past of this land, as one of the most notorious opium crop regions.
Chiang Rai | The city is located 785 km from Bangkok, in the heart of "Golden Triangle" - where Ruak and Mekong rivers meet, forming a border between Thailand, Myanmar and Laos.
The city was founded in 1262 Mangra (1239-1311), the 25th king of Ngoen Yang and first king of Chiang Mai's, and became the capital Mangra dynasty
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