About Guangzhou - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Guangzhou recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Guangzhou, Guangdong
Guangzhou Canton called before, is the third city in China as economic power. Guangzhou is located in China, located in the south of the country and has a population of 3,152,825 inhabitants.
As part of the administrative Guangzhou Guangdong region.
It features a new airport, large and modern, as the fleet China Southern Airlines, the largest airline in China and among the top ten worldwide.
The highest television tower in the world, was built in Guangzhou. The new TV tower is located in Haizhu District of Guangzhou city and is the main tourist attraction. Guangzhou Tower has a height of 600 meters, the tower body is 450 meters high and 150-meter antenna.
New creation of Dutch architects Kuiti Mark Hemel and Barbara becomes the highest television tower in the world and also a new symbol of Guangzhou city.
Being a great navigable port on the Pearl River in South China Sea and fast access to Hong Kong and Macau, Guangzhou serves as the political, economic, scientific, educational and cultural center of Guangdong area.
As the first city to benefit from China's reforms and open policy in 1978, Guangzhou has acted as a pioneer in the economic development of the country, with thousands of large enterprises, small and medium enterprises, which offers many opportunities, jobs and makes the city a heavily populated area.
The city is very prosperous in trade, tourism, holidays, finance and real estate. For travelers, Guangzhou is known for its famous attractions, such as the Five Ram Statue in Yuexiu Park, White Cloud Mountain Pearl River insurance.
Guangzhou | Guangzhou Canton called before, is the third city in China as economic power. Guangzhou is located in China, located in the south of the country and has a population of 3,152,825 inhabitants.
As part of the administrative Guangzhou Guangdong region
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