About Hanoi - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Orasul Hanoi recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Hanoi, Hanoi
Hanoi is Vietnam's capital and second largest city in the country. The city is located on the right bank of Red River. As Vietnam's capital for 1,000 years, the city is known as the cultural center of the country, where every dynasty has left its mark.
Even though many relics have survived războiaelor and time, the city still has many cultural and historical attractions to offer tourists coming here. Hanoi hosts more cultural sites than any other city in Vietnam, including 600 pagodas and temples.
The old neighborhood is close to Hoan Kiem lake, has the original street layout and architecture of old Hanoi. In the early 20th century the city had only 36 streets, most of them are part of the old quarter. The area is famous for its small craft shops, silk merchants, and many shops. There are local restaurants specializing in cuisine and many bars and night clubs. Nightlife distinctive business is open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening.
Other major attractions of this beautiful city in Asia are: the Temple of Literature Van Mieu, which is Vietnam's oldest university founded in 1070, Chua Mot Cot Pagoda, Hanoi Flag Tower.
In 2004, a fortress was discovered 900 years in the Hanoi city center close ba Dinh market. A city that is situated on a plain between the rivers, Hanoi has many scenic lakes, so it is called the city of lakes. Some lakes have to remember the Hoan Kiem Lake, West Lake, and Lake Halais Bay Mau Lake. Lake West Lake is the most popular among tourists and locals. He is the biggest city and close by are many temples. Here there are small boats for rent and a nice floating restaurant where you can eat fish more specialized dishes.
In the old neighborhood often traveled on scooters. A popular place is the Puppet Theatre, where you can see pieces of traditional Vietnamese legends.
Vietnam has a tropical monsoon climate, with southeast winds between May and September and winds from the north or north-east between October and April. Wet season is between May and September. Occasionally, the coastal regions hit by typhoons between September and January. In the south temperatures remain high throughout the year, but in the north there is a cool season. Hanoi has average temperatures of 17 ° C and 29 ° C in January and July, rainfall was 165 cm. In Ho Chi Minh same data are 25 ° C, 28 ° C and 200 cm.
Hanoi | Hanoi is Vietnam's capital and second largest city in the country. The city is located on the right bank of Red River. As Vietnam's capital for 1,000 years, the city is known as the cultural center of the country, where every dynasty has left its mark
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