About Hasselt - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Hasselt is a city in the Flanders region of Belgium. The commune consists of Hasselt, Sint-Lambrechts-Herk, Wimmertingen, Kermt, Spalbeek, Kuringen, Stokrooie and Stevoort. The total area is 102.24 km².
Hasselt, located between the Albert Canal and the A13 motorway in eastern Belgium, is an ambiguous city. This is full of colorful Japanese gardens that are worth a visit.
For centuries, an administration center, a market town and a distillery house; gin called Hasselt Spirit does not yet have a product. After coal mining (1917) began in Kempenland, Hasselt created an industrial status. The rich agricultural land in the present country of Hesbaye can be made from Hasselt, factory-made, cut and fattened textile materials.
Hasselt | Hasselt is a city in the Flanders region of Belgium. The commune consists of Hasselt, Sint-Lambrechts-Herk, Wimmertingen, Kermt, Spalbeek, Kuringen, Stokrooie and Stevoort. The total area is 102.24 km²
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