About Hawaii Big Island - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Big Island of Hawaii is absolutely spectacular in terms of nature. Here you will find everything - threatening volcanoes and sparkling waterfalls, black lava deserts and snowy mountain peaks, tropical forests and alpine meadows, a glacial lake and miles of sandy beaches with black, gold and even green. This island has a unique diversity of terrain and climate. A 80km road will take you from snowy winter to spring or fall weather. A part of the island is black as coal, and the other is full of lush green vegeatie.
This island was created by five volcanoes and continues to increase every day due to an active volcano today. In the middle of the snowy mountain island is Mauna Kea, the tallest mountain in the world, measured from the ocean floor, and Mauna Loa volcano that created the sixth part of the island.
Called the Big Island, not to be confused with the entire state of Hawaii, this island exudes a mystical atmosphere by pietroglifele of lava, the numerous temples, caves, tombs, shrines and sacred sea shore and even the sound of the sea encountered in the lava shore.
Hawaii Island is a typical tropical island, a fact confirmed by the desert landscape of lava fields and black volcanic sand beaches. Green Places, however, are a paradise. The seawater is calm and underwater caves host a rich marine life. West Coast is ideal for fishing, diving and water sports.
Hawaii Big Island | Big Island of Hawaii is absolutely spectacular in terms of nature. Here you will find everything - threatening volcanoes and sparkling waterfalls, black lava deserts and snowy mountain peaks, tropical forests and alpine meadows, a glacial lake and miles
of sandy beaches with black, gold and even green
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