About Jersey - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Jersey is the largest and best known of the Channel Islands British crown dependency. It is located off the coast of Normandy, and in the summertime is a favored destination for tourists both French and English. Defence and international relations are provided by the United Kingdom but the island is not part of it nor the European Union. Together with uninhabited islands formed bailiwickul Ecréhous Minquiers and Jersey.
Jersey is an island with an area of 118.2 km ², including the reclaimed area and the area between tides. It is situated in the English Channel, approximately 22.5 kilometers (12 nautical miles) from Normandy Cotentin Peninsula and about 161 km south of the United Kingdom. It is the largest and southernmost of the Channel Islands.
The climate is temperate, with mild winters and cool summers sunny days with an average higher than in the British Isles. land consists of a sloping plateau with sandy bays, rocky cliffs in the south and north plateau crossed by valleys that flow generally from north to south.
Island economy is based on financial services, tourism, commerce and agriculture. Financial services represent about 60% of the island, Jersey is one of the major offshore financial centers. VAT is not charged in Jersey and has a large number of duty free shops so that luxury goods are cheaper than in England or France, this is an additional reason for attracting tourists from these countries. Principaluele acrigole are potatoes and dairy products, cattle breed is peculiar to the island of Jersey.
Jersey issues its own sterling notes and coins Pound - Pound sterling Jersey. They move freely in the two islands of the channel together with notes and coins of the United Kingdom. There is a legitimate way of paying within the UK, but are often accepted.
United dominated the landscape with views to the Atlantic Ocean accessible from virtually every point on the island. The coastline also offers an infinite variety: rocky, open bays, sandy beaches and rocky inlets are accessible by road or on foot. Because ey position in the Gulf of St. Malo the island grows and shrinks twice a day due to tides, the tide here is one of the largest in the world (12 m).
Jersey | Jersey is the largest and best known of the Channel Islands British crown dependency. It is located off the coast of Normandy, and in the summertime is a favored destination for tourists both French and English
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