About Jerusalem - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Jerusalem is an ancient city in the historical region of Palestine (for Hebrew and Christian "Holy Land" or "Land of Israel"), the Middle East, considered holy city in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Located in the mountains of Judah, between the Mediterranean and the north shore of the Dead Sea, modern Jerusalem is one of the most beautiful and most famous cities in the Middle East, a place which for millennia have led wars and fierce battles.
Those who visit Jerusalem today will find a city in far too much has changed little from what it looks like centuries ago. The old town full of churches, synagogues, mosques, and where to find the Wailing Wall, is always crowded, the faithful around the world come here in pilgrimage.
But Jerusalem is not only a holy city but also a place where you will find a large number of shops and markets where you can come across real bargains for all kinds of goods. But you need to find a few good days at least some of the best shops and markets that offer is impressive, his passion for negotiating the sellers already legendary, and prices may vary greatly.
Number of sightseeing in Jerusalem, and variety is impressive from the first visit, be it museums or historical monuments and places of worship, regardless of denomination. Visit St Anna, a beautiful XII century church, built by Crusaders, Lutheran Church, located in the Christian Quarter, the Cathedral of St.. George, with its neo-Gothic towers and impressive architecture, Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, the most important place for Christians from around the world and the Western Wall, sacred to Israel
Strange picture of the three religions to coexist here for centuries, in spite of conflict and adversity, priests, Christians of different denominations with Hebrew ultra-Orthodox or Muslim, demonstrates how important it is for Israel and Jerusalem city worldwide.
Jerusalem | Jerusalem is an ancient city in the historical region of Palestine (for Hebrew and Christian "Holy Land" or "Land of Israel"), the Middle East, considered holy city in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Located in the mountains of Judah, between the Mediterranean and the north shore of the Dead Sea, modern Jerusalem is one of the most beautiful and most famous cities in the Middle East, a place which for millennia have led wars and fierce battles
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