About Krakau - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
General information
This medieval city looks like it has fallen straight out of a fairytale book, with its bustling market square, spiralling gothic towers, castles and legends about dragons. Explore the narrow backstreets, hidden courtyards and the network of underground cellars and tunnels.
How to get there
by Car: Can be comfortably reached by car and is well connected to public transport.
by Train: Hauptbahnhof Krakau; after arrival the best is call a 'Radio Taxi'!!
by Aeroplane: Airport 'Balice'; the city is 10 km fare from the airport; the best is call a taxi or by bus.
Distances: Graz ca. 100 km und Wien ca. 134 km.
Summer resort
Cracow offers a good choice of art and craftwork as well as souvenirs. Once the criss-cross point of trade routes, this atmosphere continues today. The city was well known throughout the whole of Europe for its trade in salt, wood, amber and grain. However, if this is not quite what you are looking for, you may also find many shops selling a wide selection of crystal, silver and amber. We take no responsibility for any errors, misprints or omissions; subject to alterations.
Krakau | General information
This medieval city looks like it has fallen straight out of a fairytale book, with its bustling market square, spiralling gothic towers, castles and legends about dragons
Information source
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