About London - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
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Originally London was a Celtic settlement. In 43 AD Romans founded Londinium town and its name seems to have given the native name of the city and London, although some recent data shows that London could be of Celtic origin. In 61 AD, the new Roman city is besieged, looted and burned up the ground by the Celts led by Queen Boadicea rsasculatii.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, Londinium was abandoned to the west of it appeared in a seventh century Saxon settlement Lundenwic name, the place where today is the Aldwych. In the early tenth century old Romanian city was reoccupied. Initially, Westminster was a separate city, but eventually London and Westminster were integrated and developed together, becoming the largest city of England and the twelfth century and the capital of the kingdom.
Between the sixteenth century and the twentieth century, London has flourished, the capital of British India. Great Fire of 1666 destroyed much of the city. Reconstruction lasted over 10 years and was led by Sir Christopher Wren, who, on that occasion, he designed and built many landmark buildings in London today, such as for example St. Paul. The city's growth has accelerated in the eighteenth century, such as At the beginning of the 1800s London was the largest city in the world.
Nazi bombings during the Second World War resulted, besides the loss of more than 30,000 lives, the destruction of many old buildings. Reconstruction of the following decades gave rise to the use of many modern architectural styles, which sometimes give an eclectic city.
London was a target of terrorist attacks by the IRA, and most recently suffered a series of bombings on the transport system, resulting in 52 deaths and attributed to al-Qaeda Islamist grouping.
Greater London covers an area of 1579 km ². London is a port on the Thames, river navigable. River had a major influence in city development. The city was founded on the north bank, and until the eighteenth century there was only one bridge, London Bridge, which caused the city to develop north of the river very much. Thames plain was fertile ground for expansion of the city, the few hills (eg Parliament Hill, Primrose Hill) were not significant obstacles.
London is a huge engine of world economy. London has produced $ 365 billion in 2004 (17% of UK GDP), and the entire London metropolitan area has produced about 30% of the GDP of the Kingdom, which is more than the GDP of Brazil or Russia.
London is an international center of art, music, museums, and many others.
London hosts five symphony orchestras: London Symphony Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Philharmonia and BBC Symphony Orchestra. The main rooms are symphonic concerts Royal Albert Hall, Barbican Centre, Royal Festival Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hall. Royal Opera House Covent Garden Royal Opera House and Royal Ballet.
London hosts famous carnival parades such as the Notting Hill Carnival, and parades of St. Patrick's Day (March 17) or George (April 23).
In London there are over 30 theaters, mostly concentrated in the West End. Most are commercial and put on stage musicals and other popular songs. Theatres "noncommercial" are the National Theatre, The Globe (the old faithful reconstruction of Shakespeare Theatre), Old Vic and Young Vic.
British national collection of old Western art (before 1900) is hosted by the National Gallery. Tate Modern contains collections of Western art after 1900, and Tate Britain hosts the national collection of British art. National Portrait Gallery has a collection of portraits of famous British personalities of all time.
London hosts no fewer than 240 museums. The best known are the British Museum (antiquities from around the world), Victoria and Albert Museum (decorative and applied arts), Imperial War Museum and the Museum of Natural History and Museum Siinta, both of Kensington, or the Museum of London.
London is one of the four major fashion capitals along with Paris, Milan and New York. Famous supermarkets as Harrods, Selfridges or Harvey Nichols, are present here with a lot of boutiques and top designer stores.
London | London (London English, French Londres) is the capital of England and the United Kingdom. It is the most important political, financial (due to City's), arts and culture of the United Kingdom, and one of the most important cities of the world
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