About Mont Tremblant Qc - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Mont-Tremble is a city and a municipality incorporated in the Laurentian mountain chain in the region of Quebec, Canada, about 130 km northwest of Montreal and 147 km north-east of Ottawa. The municipality has gained city status in 2000. The city is famous for its ski resorts, such as Mont-Tremblant Ski Resort sons, which is 13 km from the city at the foot of the mountain called Mont Tremblant. The city also has a racing circuit that hosted the past several competitions including the Formula 1 stage. Surrounding areas allow hiking, climbing, cycling, rowing, golf and other activities in nature.
In anul 2000, orasul a luat nastere prin fuziunea sa cu municipalitatea Lac-Tremblant-Nord si comuna Saint-Joviten. Dupa un referendum in anul 2006, municialitatea Lac-Tremblant-Nord a hotarat sa se desparta de orasul Mont Tremblant revenind la statutul sau initial. In oras se gasesc 5 scoli elementare si un liceu iar limba vorbita de 90% din populatia zonei este franceza, cele 10 procente ramase fiind alcatuite din engleza si alte limbi minoritare.
Din vara anului 2006, orasul are si o echipa de fotbal amator precum si o echipa de juniori de hockey, Les Diables.
Mont Tremblant Qc | Mont-Tremble is a city and a municipality incorporated in the Laurentian mountain chain in the region of Quebec, Canada, about 130 km northwest of Montreal and 147 km north-east of Ottawa. The municipality has gained city status in 2000
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