About Moscow - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
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Slavic tribes migrated across Russia today, in the west in the fifth century AD The Russian people has been formed, according to theory and widely accepted in Kievan Rus, from centuries IX - XI. In the twelfth century there were two powerful states: Knezatul Knezatul Vladimir-Suzdal and Novgorod. During this period, eastern knezatele fell, one by one, the Golden Horde ruled for a period of more than 250 years. The first military victory against the Golden Horde took place in 1380 (Battle of Kulikovo) during Dmitry Donskoy.
In the sixteenth century, Moscow began Knezatul center role of the state, a position he fully acquired in 1547, when Russia went on the throne of Ivan the Terrible. He was crowned first Tsar of Russia. During his reign, he promulgated a new code of laws "Sudebnik" and was the first body created feudal "Zemsky Sobor.
In the XVI - XVII, Russia extended its boundaries, encompassing the provinces of the Volga, Urals, Western Siberia.
In 1613 came the first Czar of Russia throne of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich. Towards the end of the century, under Peter I, Russia obtained the Baltic Sea and has expanded the territory in all cardinal points. In 1721, Russia was declared the empire.
Among the important events in Russian history are: the reign of Ekaterina II (reign considered "golden century" of the Russian Empire) during which Russia became a great power, the war of 1812 against Napoleon, the Treaty of Paris of 1856 (which ended the War Crime), the abolition of serfdom in 1861, the revolution of 1905.
They followed the revolutions of 1917, civil war, repression of the '30s, Soviet victory over Nazi Germany in World War II.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union (8 December 1991), the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR officially proclaimed independence from Russia December 25, 1991. The new state formation is named for the Russian Federation.
Among the most important events that followed the fall: the crisis of 1993 and parliamentary government, which resulted in strengthening the position of President Yeltsin, the war in Chechnya in 1994, parliamentary elections in 1995, 1999 and 2003 and the presidential elections in June 1996 and respectively, in March 2000, 2004 and 2008.
Moscow is a port, the capital and largest city of the Russian Federation. It is situated on the river of the same name, Moscow. Moscow is the economic, political and cultural center of Russia.
Russia is very rich in mineral resources, forestry, agricultural. According to Russian statistics, natural resource reserves, expressed as a percentage of global resources, are: timber - 20%, coal - 30%, oil - 40%, natural gas - 45%, shale - 50% iron ore - 44% chromium - 30% Manganese - 74%, rare metals - 40%. Russia is concentrated in 28% of world extraction of diamonds and 30% of the precious stones.
It is one of the richest cultures in the world, the most representative fields as literature, music, painting, ballet, modern Russian literature rus.Fondatorul - considered a true "Russian Shakespeare" - was Alexander Pushkin. Other representatives: Mikhail Lermontov, Nikolai Gogol, Ivan Turghenev, Fyodor Dostoievskii, Lev Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov.
Moscow | Slavic tribes migrated across Russia today, in the west in the fifth century AD The Russian people has been formed, according to theory and widely accepted in Kievan Rus, from centuries IX - XI. In the twelfth century there were two powerful states: Knezatul
Knezatul Vladimir-Suzdal and Novgorod
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