About New York Ny - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
New York, with an area of 10,200 square kilometers and a population of over 20 million inhabitants, is the largest city in the world. The city is located in the northeastern United States on the Atlantic coast, near the estuary of the Hudson River, Manhattan is placed both on the islands, Long, Staten, and the continent.
The city formed in 1898, today consists of: Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx and Richmond. Huge metropolitan center and left was Manhattan, where the first inhabitants of the island who were Dutch-built homes and cutting down forests, and wide, straight streets were arranged. After conquering the island by the British, have appeared in the table immigrants from all countries of Europe.
New York is impressive with its architecture, especially the multitude of skyscrapers. Near Central Park was black neighborhood, Harlem, the park is located east of Little Italy neighborhoods of Italians, the Spaniards SpanishHarlem, Chinatown Chinese, French, Jewish. Manhattan's total population is 1.7 million people during the day which adds still more than 4 million people who have their work here.
New York has over 2.5 million buildings, from modest cottages to inaltatorii glimpsed the high-rise suburbs. The first skyscraper was built in 1902, and have only 20 floors of the Empire State Building followed in 1931, which would become one of the symbols for the city, a building constructed only of concrete and glass, with 102 floors and a height of 440 m. The building is visited each year by about 2 million tourists, it featuring 72 high speed elevators that can reach the top floor in less than 1 minute.
Empire State Building was deposed by the World Trade Center, a set of two rectangular twin towers, each with 110 floors each and a height of 412 m which was destroyed on September 11, 2001 after a terrorist attack with two jets passengers. Other skyscrapers are Hause Lever Wall and Tower with 60 floors each, with 77-story Chrysler, Rockefeller Center with 70 floors.
New York City occurred in 1830 and gas lighting in factories rose early 1870s, is today the largest industrial center, financial, trade, transport and culture of the United States. In the city are 28 universities, including the famous Columbia University, where 3500 teachers who taught here in 69 languages, including Romanian. In New York there are large libraries like the New York Public Library, Queens Public Library, museums like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 19 radio and eight television stations.
The most famous street is Broadway, called The Great WhiteWay (great white way) due to special lighting during the night.
The symbol of the city, the inhabitants Identity him the symbol of their country, is the Statue of Liberty, located on Bedloe Island, into New York Bay. Statue of Liberty with a height of 92 meters, was built of 120 tons of steel and eight tons of copper, which were brought from Paris and the torch is made of ruby glass lamps and is 13 kW. All these wonders of the city and others are in New York one of the most coveted vacation destinations and a major tourist center.
Although located at about the same latitude as other European cities whose climate is warmer, such as Naples and Madrid, New York has a humid continental climate, this being due to cold air currents coming from central North America. [16] in New York winters are cold, but because it is a coastal city, temperatures are relatively higher than those from inland, so helping to moderate snow, which varies between 63.5 and 88.9 cm each year. [16] The temperature ranges springs and autumns in New York, which may vary from snow and cold weather to hot weather and humid, although they can be cool and rainy days. Summer is hot and humid, with temperatures reaching 32 ° C or more. Although not usually associated with hurricanes, New York is vulnerable to this type of phenomena, from Norfolk and Long Island Hurricane of 1821 is a good example.
New York Ny | New York, with an area of 10,200 square kilometers and a population of over 20 million inhabitants, is the largest city in the world. The city is located in the northeastern United States on the Atlantic coast, near the estuary of the Hudson River, Manhattan
is placed both on the islands, Long, Staten, and the continent
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