About Orlando Area Fl - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Orlando is a city made up mostly of theme parks. Until 1966 there was precious little to see in central Florida, but the area began to flourish along with the great flow of tourists attracted to Walt Disney World.
From the Magic Kingdom opened in 1971 after a five-year program, Disney has added three more theme parks, two water parks and a lot of construction, including hotels, shops and golf courses to create a truly "universal."
With Disney as an example, the World Marine and two city parks, Universal Orlando increased its reputation as the world capital of entertainment for families. All they attract over 40 million visitors each year, which means a huge profit for hotels, restaurants, shops and dozens of smaller attractions.
However, this young city has it's own identity, hosting a number of high-tech industries. The central features of the metropolis gets and there are plans to transform itself into a great cultural center. The city is also among the top five convention locations.
If you find tiresome theme parks, Orlando has the attractions and more relaxing. Museum of science and the arts are very impressing. Since NASA is not far away, you can visit the rocket park morning and will spend the afternoon relaxing on a beach nearby, and Cocoa.
Areas where you can dine are also centered around a different theme or a particular historical period or on a specific ethnicity. Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament in Kissimmee will give the gallery the opportunity to defend the honor of a beloved knight. Disney Pleasure Island celebrates New Year's Eve every night with laser lights and dancing in the street. Church Street Station in downtown is a hodgepodge of activities and foods, with different clubs and restaurants.
Shopping areas are as varied as local attractions, not lacking souvenirs.
Orlando Area Fl | Orlando is a city made up mostly of theme parks. Until 1966 there was precious little to see in central Florida, but the area began to flourish along with the great flow of tourists attracted to Walt Disney World
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