About Phnom Penh - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Phnom Penh is the capital of Cambodia, the Mekong River port at the confluence of the Tonle Sap River.
Name the city is connected with the legend that circulated on behalf of his foundation is said that in 1373, on the banks of the Mekong, they built a temple (Phonm), which was named after a wealthy widow (Penh).
A mixture of Cambodian hospitality, Asian exoticism and charm awaits the visitor to Phnom Penh Indochina.
Phnom Penh is a city with a population of over 2 million people and is the commercial, economic and political life of Cambodia. It is also a relatively new tourist destination. An adventurous destination with just a decade ago, the city is now a center of urban development and quickly turns displaying a given air bistros and chic boutique hotels overlooking the river, boutiques and galleries that surrounds the silk side streets, a diverse scene arts and nightlife impetuous "from sunset to sunrise."
As the capital Phnom Penh is quite "young", but has an existence, which is why there countless cultural and historical sites. The city was founded in 1434, was under the French protectorate in 1867-1953, and an independent state in 1953, besieged and then evacuated the Khmer Rouge in 1975, repopulated since 1979, revived and now in the process of change and rapid development.
Much of downtown, including the Royal Palace and National Museum (both open to visitors), were built during the French period. You can also see old buildings with French architecture, painted in yellow, mixed with typical shops and Southeast Asian classical pagodas Khem.
Phnom Penh is also a gateway to the temples of Angkor, Cambodia's western beaches of Sihanoukville along the south coast (Kampot, Koh Kong and Kép,) and jungle and wildlife of north-eastern provinces.
Phnom Penh | Phnom Penh is the capital of Cambodia, the Mekong River port at the confluence of the Tonle Sap River.
Name the city is connected with the legend that circulated on behalf of his foundation is said that in 1373, on the banks of the Mekong, they built a temple (Phonm), which was named after a wealthy widow (Penh)
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