About Portoroz - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Portoroz recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (4 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Portoroz, Primorska
Portorož, in translation "port of roses", is a coastal town in Slovenia and one of the largest tourist areas of the country.
Portorož, Piran coastal city that belongs to the municipality is located in the south-western Gulf of Trieste (the northernmost point of the Adriatic Sea) borders between Italy and Croatia.
What led to the development site as a tourist resort Portoroz were natural items like salt, salt water and mud. When the curative properties of these natural elements have been discovered in the early nineteenth century, they began construction in Portorož hotels and spa centers.
Today Portorož is a large number of comfortable hotels, modern swimming pools, a wide range of diverse restaurants, casino, concert halls and is a well-known Congress Center.
Sea, wind, salt, flavoring Mediterranean, palm trees, roses and perennials, fun and relaxation are words that describe Portorož, the city situated in the heart of Europe.
The interaction of different cultures, the natural environment, culinary delights and controversial history creates a captivating atmosphere unique.
Activities such as boating, beach, swimming in pools and large health care programs at the thermal baths are part of "Port of Roses".
Portoroz | Portorož, in translation "port of roses", is a coastal town in Slovenia and one of the largest tourist areas of the country.
Portorož, Piran coastal city that belongs to the municipality is located in the south-western Gulf of Trieste (the northernmost point of the Adriatic Sea) borders between Italy and Croatia
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