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Cape Verde is a republic located in the Macaronesian region homonymous archipelago in the Atlantic off the coast of West Africa. Islands prior to the desert, was discovered by Portuguese navigators in the fifteenth century and were colonized by them. It became an independent state in 1975.
In 1455, the Venetian navigator Alvise da Ca'da mosto, located in the service of Portugal, Cape Verde Islands discovered previously uninhabited. In 1460, the Portuguese archipelago based in one of the first European colonies overseas. By tradition, the islands have maintained close ties with Portuguese Guinea (Guinea-Bissau contemporary) on the west coast of Africa. By 1879, both territories were administered by the São Tiago.
The Republic of Cape Verde are ten islands, which are divided into two main groups: Northern Islands Barlavento group they belong to Sao Antao, Boa Vista, San NICOLAO, San Vicente, Sal and Santa Luiza and South Islands, which form Sotavento group, which includes: Sao Tiago, Fogo, Maio and Brava on the surface of mountains and beaches that stretch wider.
Exotic landscape of this archipelago, undiscovered lands, excellent climate, sunny beaches, wildlife and crystal clear waters make this a paradise, a place that surely will not forget it easily.
Praia | Cape Verde is a republic located in the Macaronesian region homonymous archipelago in the Atlantic off the coast of West Africa. Islands prior to the desert, was discovered by Portuguese navigators in the fifteenth century and were colonized by them
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