About Qingdao Tsingtao - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Qingdao, also known as Tsingdao is a major city in eastern Shangdong Province, People's Republic of China. It borders Yantai to the northeast, Weifang to the west and south-east Rizaho. Stretching along the Shangdong peninsula on the Yellow Sea, Qingdao is now a major port, naval base and industrial center in China. The city also hosting the largest brewery in China, Tsingtao Brewery. Broken city name, consists of the character 青 (Qing) means "green" or "lush" and character 岛 (dǎo) meaning "island". Qingdao city administrative level is a sub-provincial levels. In 2009 he was named the city with the best standard of living in China.
Qingdao has a temperate climate with four seasons influenced by monsoons, which lies on the border environment subtropicla climate and continental climate. The unique combination of German and Chinese architecture in downtown, offers a distinct atmosphere of Qingdao. A large number of foreign-style areas are well preserved. Although the new town is being widely reconstruction, the old part of town still retains some traditional buildings.
Qingdao attracts many tourists because of its large settlement and temperate climate. Parks, beaches, sculptures and architectural styles unique nemtesti adorn the city.
Qingdao Tsingtao | Qingdao, also known as Tsingdao is a major city in eastern Shangdong Province, People's Republic of China. It borders Yantai to the northeast, Weifang to the west and south-east Rizaho. Stretching along the Shangdong peninsula on the Yellow Sea, Qingdao
is now a major port, naval base and industrial center in China
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