About Riga - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Latvian capital Riga is situated on the Baltic Sea at the mouth of the river Daugava in Riga Bay. Riga is the largest city in the Baltics, is an important center for cultural, educational, political, financial and political area.
Riga's historic city center was set up in 1997 by UNESCO list of world heritage sites, and the city is especially noted for its architecture Art Nouveau (Jugendstil), one can compare in this regard only with Vienna, Prague or Barcelona.
Riga is located on the site of an ancient settlement of the Livs, an ancient Finno-Ugric tribe, at the confluence of the Daugava and Ridzene. Ridzene River was known as the Riga beginning, a point forming a natural harbor known as the Riga Lake, gone today. It is believed that the river was named city. Old river course can be found watching and Ridzene Kalku streets of Old Riga.
Riga's old town, with plenty of medieval architecture, but also areas of modern buildings and Art Nouveau glass.
One of the most colorful places central market in Riga is one of the oldest and largest in Europe, built in several abandoned hangars, which the German armies used them as garages for Zeppelin. Each hangar has a different specific.
Founded probably in the twelfth century, became the Bishopric of Riga Latvia in 1201. The city has developed as a commercial and crafts center, joining the Hanseatic League in 1282. He fell under Polish domination in 1581, was conquered by the Swedes in 1621, earned administrative autonomy and was later conquered by the Russians in 1721.
In the late nineteenth century, Riga was one of the most developed industrial cities in Russia. During the Second World War it was occupied by the Germans between 1917 and 1918 and then became capital of independent Latvia. Also during the second great global conflagration was annexed by the USSR (1940) for a little while and then occupied by Germany, to finally return to the USSR.
In 1991, when the country gained independence, Riga has been called the capital of Soviet Latvia.
Riga | Latvian capital Riga is situated on the Baltic Sea at the mouth of the river Daugava in Riga Bay. Riga is the largest city in the Baltics, is an important center for cultural, educational, political, financial and political area
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