About Riyadh - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Riyadh, the capital and largest city of Saudi Arabia, is located on a vast plateau in the center of the Arabian Peninsula and is home to 4,854,000 people.
Riadh name comes from the word "rawdah" Arabic origin and means "place of gardens and trees." Because of the numerous water courses (now drained) located in the vicinity, Riyadh has been since antiquity one of the most fertile areas in the Arabian Penisula.
Riyadh old fortified town, did not exceed an area of 1 km, which is why today there are very few architectural relics. Among them are al-Masmak fort, some parts of the city wall and its gate were restored.
Expansion outside the city wall has been slow, although there were few settlements near oases and Riadh's. The first major building was the palace of King Abdulaziz's Murabba '.
Riyad today, extended over an area of 1600 square kilometers, rivals any modern city in the world. Its architecture, mostly modern, including skyscrapers and overlay road networks. Only the city center was rebuilt in traditional style to evoke the buildings before the twentieth century Nejd.
The city of Riyadh, near the center of power to function, is also the focal point of commerce and tourism. Many financial organizations, cultural, technical and social and have established headquarters here.
In Ryiadh there are over 4,300 mosques, people of another religion than Muslims have a right to publicly express their faith.
Riyadh area has a distinctive regional dialect called Najd. Najd Arabic is widely spoken in central and eastern desert regions of Saudi Arabia. Most of Riyadh's residents speak and understand English.
Riyadh | Riyadh, the capital and largest city of Saudi Arabia, is located on a vast plateau in the center of the Arabian Peninsula and is home to 4,854,000 people.
Riadh name comes from the word "rawdah" Arabic origin and means "place of gardens and trees
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