About Sarande - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Sarande recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Sarande, Albania
Just 14 kilometers from the Greek island of Corfu, Sarande town or Saranda is one of the most picturesque cities of Albania, one of the most important tourist attractions of the Albanian Riviera. Sarrande is a lively resort with restaurants, bars and cafes, located just a few meters from the beach.
Near the ancient city of Butrint Sarande is (archaeological site under UNESCO), the construction Greek, Roman and Byzantine. Also near Sarande you can visit Ksamili, a village with a beautiful beach and a few islands where you can bathe. Other objectives are to be visited Synagogue and Ethnographic Museum, Castle of Ali Pasha Tepelena, Shen Kolli Church. Tourists can reach the island of Corfu by ferry, there are scheduled flights, the roundtrip.
The climate is typically Mediterranean in Sarande, with peaks above 30 degrees in the summer months.
Sarande | Just 14 kilometers from the Greek island of Corfu, Sarande town or Saranda is one of the most picturesque cities of Albania, one of the most important tourist attractions of the Albanian Riviera. Sarrande is a lively resort with restaurants, bars and cafes,
located just a few meters from the beach
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