About Shenzhen - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
In 1979, Shenzhen was just a fishing village and is now a metropolis with over five million (four million in the urban area itself), the first Special Economic Zone. It is the richest city in China in terms of GDP / capital (excluding Hong Kong).
Shenzhen is a new city in southern China near Hong Kong, Macao and Guangzhou, forming with them a Megalopolis.
Shenzhen is located on North River Pearl River from Hong Kong. The city is huge and boasts the tallest building in China, but also some excellent parks "beautiful China", which reproduces scenes from history, architecture, traditions of China, "Chinese Village" which reproduces the scale 24 Chinese villages 1:1 and "Window of the World", which brings in the same place the most important architectural monuments in the world at 1:15 scale
Total area of the city of Shenzhen is 1,948.69 km square. The relief is mainly hill and plain. Wutong Mountain with an altitude of 943.7 m, is the highest point of the city.
Shenzhen has a subtropical maritime climate with more rain and sun. Summer is very hot and it may take up to six months. In spring, autumn and winter are mild. The average annual temperature is 22.4, the highest being 36.6. The rainy season lasts from May to September. Typhoons, usually in summer and fall, but fortunately, most typhoons are blocked by mountains, on average, once every two years is directly hit by a typhoon.
Shenzhen started to receive immigrants in the late Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1179). In late 2001, the population of permanent residence in Shenzhen totaled 4.67 million.
Shenzhen | In 1979, Shenzhen was just a fishing village and is now a metropolis with over five million (four million in the urban area itself), the first Special Economic Zone. It is the richest city in China in terms of GDP / capital (excluding Hong Kong)
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