About Tehran - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Tehran is the capital and largest city in Iran. More health in the country's industry is held here. The industry includes electrical equipment, textiles, sugar, cement and motor vehicle assembly. A leading center for the sale of carpets is to be made.
Tehran Province is the richest province in Iran, which can contribute about 29% of the country's GDP. Moreover, it hosts about 18% of the country's population. Tehran Province is the most industrialized province in Iran.
The climate of Tehran province in the southern areas is warm and dry, but near the mountain it is also semi-humid.
The largest rivers in these provinces are the Karaj River and the Jajrood River.
Mountain ranges like Alborz extend to the north; Savad Kooh and Firooz Kooh are located in the northeast; Lavasanat, Qarah Daq, Shemiranat, Hassan Abad and Namak can be found in the southern areas; Bibi Shahr Banoo and Alqadr are located in the southeast and in the Qasr-e-Firoozeh heights are located in the east of the province.
Tehran | Tehran is the capital and largest city in Iran. More health in the country's industry is held here. The industry includes electrical equipment, textiles, sugar, cement and motor vehicle assembly. A leading center for the sale of carpets is to be made
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