About Ushuaia - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Ushuaia is a port city in the archipelago of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.
In the nineteenth century, when "surrounding the Horn" was facing some fierce storms that left a dozen vessels shipwrecked on the shores, famous characters such as Charles Darwin and Richard Henry Dana helped to describe the majesty and danger of a land where few Indians - " Indian canoe "- lived on fish, shellfish, and the fires that warmed them. These fires seen from the sea by early European explorers gave the name of the archipelago. In some ways, is a continuation of Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego archipelago but (Land of Fire) has a distinct identity as "the farthest corner of the Earth" - in the words of Lucas Bridges colonists.
Decades ago, Ushuaia have an airport, a small naval base (usually constructed in the 40s to justify claims to territory in Antarctica Argentina) and only a few tourists. Some may dream to continue its journey to the Antarctic Peninsula over the Drake Strait, but in those years just Lindblad Explorer (built in Finland and sailing under Liberian flag) was the regular route. Today the situation is different.
Argentina has been present in Antarctica since 1902, when Swedish Nordenskjöld expedition, including Argentine geologist José María Sobral, fueled in Ushuai] and spent the winter on the peninsula.
Tourism began informally in 1933, when the boat captain Angel Rodríguez Pampa invited some passengers heading to Ushuaia to go farther South Orkney Islands]. Formally began in 1958 when the ship "Les Eclaireurs" took about a hundred guests in two separate summer travel. Next year, the state company Marítimas Empresas Lineas Argentinas (ELMA) carried 260 passengers south on "Yapeyú.
In the '70s, 'Ushuaia' from Tierra del Fuego was a village with 7,000 people, located on a war footing since the military dictatorships in Chile and Argentina disputed its three islands of the famous Beagle Channel on the south side of the piece argentiniere. Since then relations have been peaceful but not as good as could be. Now, the city and is flourishing, tranformandu into the main place of embarkation for voyages to Antarctica through the stormy seas of the Drake Strait. Outside the Beagle Channel and the tops of the Montes Martial, Ushuaia is a city that still has three museums trivial. It is also the starting point for cruises to Antarctica and the "around Cape Horn, the Chilean port of Punta Arenas and back. But first raând Iin, is the nearby excursion destinations such as the Martial Glacier route, Beagle Channel itself, and the banks of historic Estancia Harderton, forests and peaks of the Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego. Cerro Castor is located close to the southernmost ski slope in the world.
North of Ushuaia, far down the foothills, is Lago Fagnano - the southernmost lake without ice - which covers about a hundred kilometers from the Chilean island of Grande.
Ushuaia is starting point for the cruise ships bound for Antarctica.
Few cities in the world can match incredibly beautiful views of Ushuaia city to windy ice on Canal Beagle, under the background of Montres Martial glacial peaks. Few can compete Age history of European exploration, which did not fix it even now. And none can match the position of the antipodes, where the roads end and the world begins in a way, Antarctic frontier.
Ushuaia | Ushuaia is a port city in the archipelago of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.
In the nineteenth century, when "surrounding the Horn" was facing some fierce storms that left a dozen vessels shipwrecked on the shores, famous characters such as Charles Darwin and Richard Henry Dana helped to describe the majesty and danger of a land where
few Indians - " Indian canoe "- lived on fish, shellfish, and the fires that warmed them
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