About ZLATIBOR - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Zlatibor recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about ZLATIBOR, Serbia
Zlatibor District is a first-degree administrative unit located in the western part of Serbia. The residence is this city of Užice. It comprises 10 communes and they consist of localities.
It is a romantic region surrounded by gentle mountains, full of traditions and hospitality.
Zlatibor is crossed by the Crni Rzav, Veliki Rzav and Sušica rivers and streams, with a wide range of fish species being granted. There are two artificial lakes in Zlatibor, the largest on the Crni Rzav river in Ribnica and the smallest, taking care to create a special specialty for tourists, clearly in the center of the tourist village Zlatibor.
Zlatibor is known as a ski center.
ZLATIBOR | Zlatibor District is a first-degree administrative unit located in the western part of Serbia. The residence is this city of Užice. It comprises 10 communes and they consist of localities.
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