Alexander Square - Berlin - details and images
In the early 19th century, Alexander Square (Germany - Alexanderplatz) was one of the most turbulent markets in the entire Berlin. Since the Middle Ages, and the downtown Alexanderplatz was the reunification of Germany, the market has become a main focal point and an important tourist attraction. In the distant past was called Ochsenmarkt market or bull market, but in 1805, after a visit by Russian Tsar Alexander I, was renamed to Alexanderplatz. Berliners refer to this market using a name easier to pronounce - "Alex".
The vast majority of buildings around the market were destroyed by allied bombing during the Second World War. After the war he became the center of East Berlin and was used as a model of socialist architecture. The result was a series of massive buildings, simplistic and a huge television tower.
Fernsehturm or TV Tower called Tele-spargel (toothpick) is one of the largest structures in Europe. Total length to tip and is 365 meters. It was built in 1969 by a team of architects with the help of Swedish experts. The entire structure is made of concrete tower, a steel-plated metal sphere and a TV antenna. The scope includes rotating restaurant (Telecafe) intaltime located at 207 meters and an observation platform located at a height of 203 meters.
In 1969 two more monuments were added Alexander Square: Weltzeituhr (World Clock) by Erich John and the Fountain of Friendship of Peoples. The clock shows the name of several cities in different time zones. In 1997 when the clock has been restored, a number of cities that had been ignored for political reasons were added. These include Jerusalem, St Petersburg and Cape Town. At the top of the clock there is a simplified model of the solar system.
Peoples Friendship Fountain is a fountain of circuses with a width of 23 meters. In the center of the fountain is a modern structure consisting of a series of basins that drain water. Fountain, a protected monument, has been renovated in 2002.
Alexanderplatz was known as one of the least attractive markets in terms of architecture so that the city of Berlin held a competition for architects to redesign the market. The competition was won by Hans Kohloff - one of the architects of modern markets called Potsdamer Platz. Redecoration plan resulted in a complete change of the market but also the renovation or reconstruction of the surrounding buildings.
Alexanderplatz, Berlin
Underground: U2, U5, U8 - Alexanderplatz
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