Almudena Cathedral - details and images
Shortly after King Philip II made Madrid the Spanish capital in 1561, wanted to build a cathedral for the new capital. Because of political turmoil and strong opposition from the Archdiocese of Toledo, who was then a much larger city, the whole building was delayed. Finally, in 1868, a congregation devoted to the Virgin Almudena, the patron saint of Madrid, Toledo archdiocese received permission to build a new church dedicated to Saint patron of the city.
In 1883 construction began a year later and became bishop of Madrid due to Pope Leo XIII. This allowed construction of a cathedral instead of a simple church. Consequently, the project has been updated to reflect the important status of the building. New Marques de Cubas' project has provided a neo gothic cathedral with a footprint in the form of a Latin cross. Construction has progressed at a slow pace and was completely stopped during the civil war in 1930. In 1944 the cathedral project is abandoned because the neo gothic style contrasted sharply with that of its neighbor famous Royal Palace. It elected a new project, the architects of Fernando Chueca Goitia and Carlos Sidro. They came with a proposal that included more traditional items.
Although work continued until 1999, Almudena Cathedral was officially declared finished in 1993. In the same year Pope John Paul II has sanctified cathedral. A statue of the pope can be seen in front of the cathedral.
Cathedral is 104 meters long and 76 wide. The central dome has a diameter of 20 meters. Almudena Cathedral interior is more modern and more modest than that of its competition in Toledo. Building located right beside the Royal Palace but definitely worth a visit just for its size is impressive.
Address: 10 Calle Bailen
Transport: Opera Metro station. (M2, M5)
Opening: The cathedral is open daily between 9:00 and 21:00
Access to the cathedral is free.
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