Alpen Therme Baths - details and images
Forget the stress and tension. Take a break for body and soul and spend a relaxing holiday in Gastein Valley in Austria! The Gastein you'll find that rest and good condition are installed automatically. You'll refill the batteries with energy to tackle everyday problems with new forces home. Offer variety of relaxation and recovery activities will pamper and restore your inner balance between body, soul and spirit. Enjoy plenty of staying at Gastein: foundations of treatment type and spa day spa offers a complete package of customized programs for cosmetology, body shaping and relaxation that meet every need, no matter how fancy!
Specific treatment for centuries the region already use means intensive curative effect, developed from local resources. The combination of radon, heat and altitude is unique in this form. Galleries thermal, thermal water and steam baths provide long-term improvement in symptoms and decrease pain in many medical and physical recovery after injury.
Alpentherme Spa Bad Hofgastein, Austria
6 zones (worlds) with different facilitated, sky bar with glass walls offering a panoramic view of 360 degrees, geisha games, media room, saunas, indoor and outdoor pools. Alpentherme has everything you need for the moments spent here will be for ultimate relaxation. The center offers great fun for families with children in the World Family, athletes or fans but also for rest and treatment have a choice on offer range of activities.
Relax World (a great place for massages and spa treatments); Family World (spa experience for children and parents), Sauna World, Ladies World (very relaxing saunas dedicated to women), Sports World, World Gusto (the catering).
Spa therapy is a remedy that takes place over an extended period, where positive effects on patient health is achieved using heat, clean water, peat or mud. It is used for rehabilitation after an illness, but may also help to get rid of chronic illness or stress. Gastein thermal water, containing the noble gas radon is the mainstay of Gastein thermal cure.
Bath tub, underwater therapy, inhalations or packages of peat are the most important types of balneotherapy in Gastein.
With radon thermal baths
With radon thermal baths are the most important ingredient in any diet. Special tubs hold 480 liters of thermal water at a temperature of 36-38 ° C. cure the patient takes 15 to 22 minutes in water that has a radon content of 52 nCi / l.
Bathroom causes the body to overheat and accelerate metabolic processes. Radon dissolved in thermal water is absorbed by the body through the skin and the respiratory tract and is then rapidly broken down completely. Radon stimulates repair cells. Regularity baths help nervous system returns to a steady rate.
After the bath, followed by a rest period of about 30 minutes, the rest simply wrapped in bath towel without a shower or to dry.
Underwater with the radon therapy
Subacvaticar therapy is the most important way to treat spinal and joint disorders. Afloat in warm water body is light, almost weightless. Pain and warmth provided by radon is exercising muscles and joints easier. A physiotherapist will guide you to do exercises during individual treatments. If necessary, the treatment is completed with water jet massage at a pressure hose or use scarves Glisson. Water temperature is: 34-36 ° C and the duration of treatment: 25 minutes.
Indications: degenerative disorders, rheumatic conditions of the spine and reduced post-operative mobility and muscle diseases, neurological disorders, spastic disorders, akinetic and coordination of breathing disorders.
Inhalations with water enriched with radon thermal overheating induced tissue localization. This increases blood circulation in the mucous membranes, so the body can more easily defend against disease and infection. Water dissolves and lowers thermal asthmatic spasms in the respiratory passages trend. Essential oils and medicines can also be added to the inhalations.
Packing peat
Packets of hot trub apply for certain parts of the body overheats, thus increasing blood circulation and removing metabolic toxins. Positive effects of peat imapchetarilor are: pain relief, improved function and regeneration. Peat wrappings have certain advantages over applications and Parafango fango. They have a gentle wave of heat, plus they require only a minimum of peat, due to a special preparation method. If the patient is intolerant peat can be replaced with bags of wild flowers (Heublumen. After therapy, did not shower.
degenerative conditions of the axial skeleton and large and small joints of the body (osteoarthritis), painful attachments: tendons of the shoulders, knees and hips, dysfunction of internal organs, especially the stomach, liver / gall, the lower abdomen and bladder urine.
Power Gastein Radon thermal water contains natural spring radon.Apa heat water, also help in many diseases.
For over 3500 years, natural cosmetics, whose main ingredient Gastein thermal water. Valuable water, pure ingredients in high concentrations regional plant extracts and essential oils of plants are the basis for the new line of cosmetics Gastein Health & Wellness.
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