Auckland Museum - details and images
Located on a hill that can see the city, the Museum brings together elements representing Maori civilization, passing through the Pacific and reaching specific populations of those defining New Zealand today with a historic stage stop in the Second World War .
This museum is located in a heritage building and the history of famous people from New Zealand rooms with historical items from the art exhibition halls. "Scars on the Heart" is the memorial museum, while "He Taonga Maori is part of the gallery where the wealth around 2,000 priceless artifacts, including rare inlay also shows the last canoe Maori carved wooden war Totara.
Of course, the wing is dedicated to the most spectacular Maori civilization brings to the fore because the traditions, customs, art and culture that we find them not only to the old tribes, almost 700 years since these indigenous Polynesian settled in New Zealand .
One of the leading heroes of the Maori is Maui, which would be fishing in the Pacific Ocean, along with his older brothers, a canoe, and who one day caught a huge fish which was named "Grand Maui's over. " This is the original name of the North Island of New Zealand. They followed Hineteaparangi Kúpele and who gave the name Aotearoa, New Zealand's original name.
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