Basilica Santa Maria della Salute - details and images
Church of Santa Maria Della Salud was built as an offering brought the Virgin Mary for having released the plague in Venice 1630, in place of the old monastery. Over time, paradoxically, a disease brought great contribution to art and architecture. In 1630, after almost a third of citizens were killed by plague Venice, Venetian Senate promised God that if you stop the plague, will build a church in honor of the Virgin Mary. Due to the sudden arrival of cold weather, the population was reduced sick with plague, and Santa Maria della Salute church was built.
It is located close to the Old Customs and offers a wonderful view on the bed of San Marco. Impress the main staircase, the entrance and white dome. It was designed by Baldassarre Longhena because of white marble and elegant, represents what is most beautiful in Baroque style.
On November 21, celebrating the Virgin, and in this day Venetians come to church in great numbers to pray, and let city workers a bridge across the Grand Canal from San Marco district and to the church of Santa Maria della Salute to show respect for the Virgin Mary, and gondolierii bring their oars to be holy priests.
Address: Grand Canal is across from the Piazza San Marco
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