Bear Cave - details and images
The cave was discovered on September 17, 1975 accident, when after a dynamite in the Chişcău marble quarry, a gap formed by the first man entered the cave.
Hole was immediately closed and after some exploration of the cave was installed and electrified. Thus on July 14, 1980 the cave was opened to the public. Has a length of 1.5 km, of which 521 meters were declared scientific reserve. Length of the upper 488 m were opened for traffic of interest, there can be admired karst formations, which have been world famous cave.
Here are three galleries: one of the Bears, Candles Gallery gallery and canoeing, and four rooms: Room Candles, spaghetti Hall, Meeting Room canoeing and bones. Visiting the gallery begins with cave bears were found where skeletal remains of cave bear (Ursus Spelaeus) disappeared from the earth more than 15,000 years. Cave Bear receives over 200,000 visitors annually
Accessibility: The DN-76 (Oradea-Deva), the derivation in the village 86 km Sudrigiu, DJ-763, 16km Chişcău village.
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