Bran Castle - details and images
Bran Castle is located less than 30 km from Brasov, on the road that goes through the old neighborhood Bartholomew and linking Brasov to Campulung. It is built on a rock in a key strategic point of view.
Land of the Bucegi Mountains and Piatra led to a number of historical episodes since prehistoric times until today, highlighted by a major historical and geographical time: Bran Pass.
Being over time one of the most important links Carpathian, has developed a history of Bran Pass dynamic team of two major parts, commercial activities carried out on the road going through military invasion and repeated using the same route.
Initially, the Bran Castle was a fortress of "temporary" military purpose, irregular quadrilateral. Over time, the city has undergone many changes such as adding the south tower (in 1622 the plans of Prince Gabriel Bethlen), construction of a rectangular tower on the east, and between 1883 and 1886 the roof was covered with tile.
The fortress was transformed into a castle in 1920 when it was owned by Queen Mary, during which they made the most important works of restoration.
Although he entered the tourist circuit and folklore as Dracula's castle, it seems that Vlad the Impaler never lived in the castle. However the myth seems to be stronger than reality ... Here is pouring Interview with a Vampire ", a film with this subject as a direct allusion to the supposed traits of Wallachian prince vampire.
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