Busteni ski Kalinderu - details and images
Kalinderu ski slope is situated in Busteni Hall property, which probably makes it even one of the most modern part of Romania.
The name comes from John Kalinderu slope (1840-1913), former Administrator of the Crown Royal to King Charles I.
Kalinderu slope was approved by the International Ski Federation, and can thus accommodate skiers hold competitions and performance.
Kalinderu slope is equipped with artificial snow guns to its batatorirea using special machines.
There are future plans to be installed as a giant slide, parallel to the slope, so that will be great influx of tourists in summer.
Slope length is 1,700 m, width 60 m, 1400 m altitude, departure, arrival altitude 1030 m, the average degree of difficulty, artificial snow is below -5 degrees Celsius and lift. Slope has other facilities such as baby-ski, 200 parking places, music, bar, waiting.
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