Calvary Catholic Church Manastur - details and images
Mănăştur area, near Cluj, the current Spring street no. 60, was raised from the eleventh century, Benedictine abbey "Monasterium Beatae of Clus Mariae," a wall of defense. This was the foundation upon which was built to preserve and what today is known as Calvary Catholic Church, dedicated to St. Mary. " Raised on an oval fortification consisting of a wave of high ground, the church had ditches to the south, east and west, north and there is a natural steep slope.
The historical sources define the years 1060 - 1063 during King Béla I, namely the period 1077 - 1095 (during King St. Ladislas) periods as the foundation of the abbey on the hill with the eponymous name, where it seems that the prince had a city Gelu . This fortress was built in three phases: the ninth century, beginning the second part of X and XI century. Phase Three portion of there with a wave height of land 10-13 feet from the ditch.
The building has experienced many periods of increase and decline. Initially it was a basilica with three naves, dedicated to St. Mary, which was subordinate to the Archdiocese of Esztergom (German, Gran, Hungarian, Esztergom, Hungary), which has led to numerous conflicts with the bishops of Transylvania. The monastery was destroyed in 1241 after the Tartar invasion and rebuilt by King Béla IV in 1263.
In 1437 this convent, which functioned established agreements between representatives of the rebel peasants and nobles solemnly, and here was killed at Great Hill Anton, chief peasant uprisings. In 1465 the abbey was surrounded by a defensive fortification, fortification of Matthias Corvinus destroyed almost immediately because of the unwillingness of citizens of Cluj.
After 1556, when secularization took place monastery, it became subject to the treasury. In 1581 Stephen Bathory monastery gave Jesuit Order, along with six villages of the former Benedictine abbey's possessions Mănăştur respectively Feneş Saxon tenure of former Catholic bishop of Alba Iulia. After the Diet of Medias Jesuits were forced to leave the country temporarily (between 1588-1594), returning in 1595. Partly destroyed by lightning in 1598, entered the building under renovation for a long time, after which he returned to Jesuit monks.
Another sad episode in the history of the monastery was written during the Tartar invasion of 1658 - 1661 when it was destroyed again, becoming uninhabitable. In the eighteenth century the building was used as a deposit of arms, emphasizing its destruction. Bishop Alexander Rudna then ordered the demolition of both the church and surrounding buildings. He survived those moments only altar that was turned into a chapel, with the Statue of Virgin Mary with Jesus in her arms.
In 1896 the Roman Catholic Diocese of Transylvania ship rebuilt and restored church choir vaults and walls. Franciscan Church was released in 1922, which they refused, after which time the rent was the Greek Catholic Church for a token sum, the Roman Catholic Church to retain the rights owner.
After the Communists came in 1948, the church was given to the Romanian Orthodox Church, which used it until 1990. A special period existed between 1991 and 1994 when the church was used jointly by the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. Since 1994 the building was returned to the Roman Catholic Church, after it was renovated. Church has received the organ built in 1792 by Samuel Matz of Biertan organ which was brought from the Evangelical Church in Saxon Daia from decreasing community there.
Access is via the hill south-east corner of Calvary through two waves of high ground for defense. At the entrance, the two waves are "Calvary Chapel" built in 1831, designed by Károly Kós that Bell in 1922.
Assumption Church is a special model, quite widespread in Central Europe. The large inarticulately, details are in contradiction with simple plastic decorativitatea, many details and structures shaped pierced by huge areas covered by the late Gothic windows.
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