Capilla Real, Cathedral and churches - details and images
Granada Cathedral - or Cathedral Bunavestirii - was designed in the Spanish Renaissance height. In 1529 Diego de Silo Renaissance drew lines of the building above the foundation Gothic, with a triforium and five ships (naos) instead of the usual three. It was founded by the "Reyes Catolicos" Spanish, near the largest mosque in the city. Construction began in 1521 and ended in 1714. This cathedral, the altar or spectacular, is one of the country's architectural attractions, famous for its beautiful facade and interior in gold and white.
The first architect Enrique Egas was, who designed a Gothic style. It was remodeled and enlarged in 1536 by architect Diego de Silo, the first Renaissance church in Spain. Several side chapels also decorate the cathedral, and one is especially extravagant: carved and gilded (gold) Capilla Nuestra Senora of the Antigua (Capilla Dorada), which is on the northern wall.
Capilla Real is in the aisle, in the southern part of the cathedral. This chapel, which were buried monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic, the cathedral was built in 1506-1521. Catholic monarchs were buried in a tomb of Carrara marble (1522) Florentine sculptor Domenico Fancelli created. Beyond the royal tombs you will see a "Retablo" Felipe Vigarny carved with statues of Catholic monarchs made by Diego de Silo. In the transept is "relicarios" (side altars), carved and richly decorated with elegance and in the north transept is the famous Triptych of the Passion, his bouts Dierik.
Other ancient and beautiful churches in Granada shows the history of this region. For example, Sagrario of the Cathedral Church was originally a market, then a mosque and finally a church. Monastery La Cartuja, which was built in 1495 by Don Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba. San Jeronimo is a monastery church in Renaissance style and was built in 1492 Reyes Catolicos. Basilica de San Juan de Dios Hospital, baroque, is in the district in which is the monastery of San Jeronimo. This church has a Baroque entrance marked by two towers with slate roof. Other churches in Granada Santa Isabel La Real monastery are, Sacromonte Abbey, Mezquita de Granada, Iglesia de Santa Ana and-so.
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