Cave Tismana Monastery - Tismana - details and images
Is dug by the water in limestone, then to about 50 m inside the water is captured. A party is directed to flow, first through pipes under the monastery, then on the eastern slope of the plateau on which the monastery was built, forming the famous waterfalls.
Wide entrance was built at the ground surface, thus leaving large room accessible only through a metal gate. Cave continues the great hall with a small tunnel that gives the second room several feet high, having the shape of a room and where the treasure was hidden. 200 m long and lacks concrete floor is covered with alluvial material and rotten boards. They formed the old dam to capture water that used for the moving of an electric dynamo. A newer dam, cement, water capture monastery before it is fed from the common network. Now here is conveyed by water pipe to a beautiful fountain in the courtyard of the monastery.
Cave warm (10 gr.C) and humid, with air currents instead of the water challenge. Small creatures forming a seasonal subtroglofile very rich fauna. Summer has two living room walls and Tarnania Limoni nubeculosa fenestralis Culex pipiens and winter, and Acrolepia magnicanda Exechiopsis pulicariae. A permanent species troglofila Nesticus lives with a small colony of bats Rhynolophus Ferrum-equinum.
Troglobiont species that live anywhere in the world not only in this cave are: Tismanella chappuisi chappuisi (Tismana) with a very large population and Haplophthalamus tismanicus.
Nicodin's Grotto
Also related to the cave is St. Nicodemus cell. Location of St. Nicodemus silence and communication with God.
At a few meters from the cell, is seen as an archaic painting on rock, "Snake hardened." Legend says that it is the result of a miracle of St. Nicodemus, who through prayer, thus made harmless reptile that's life threatening.
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