Chester Beatty Library - details and images
The library houses a unique collection of ancient scrolls, rare books, valuable manuscripts, several hundred years old, Irish image collections and publications, works of Chinese art, Japanese, Indian and some biblical texts and Christian writings. The library also contains one of the richest collections of engravings and printed books in the world. The library is situated within Dublin Castle.
Situated in the heart, Chester Beatty Library opens a window of the great artistic treasures of world cultures and religions. The library's rich collection of manuscripts, prints, icons, miniature paintings, old printed books and art from countries around the world, offers visitors a visual feast.
Egyptian papyrus texts, beautifully illuminated copies of the Koran, Bible, European medieval manuscripts and Renaissance are among the most important collection.
In its diversity, the collection captures much of the richness of human creative expression from 2700 BC until now.
Alfred Chester Beatty, who lived from 1875-1968, was born in New York millionaire, who bought along his life a remarkable collection of precious materials in the Middle East and Far East.
May-September: Monday-Friday: 10:00-17:00
October to April: Tuesday-Friday: 10:00-17:00
Saturday: 11:00 to 5:00 p.m. (all year)
Sunday: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (all year)
Closed Good Friday, 24 December 25, 26, 01 January.
Restaurant, gift shop and books, audio-visual presentations, roof garden, wheelchair access.
How to get there:
Ten minutes walk from Trinity College en route to the Cathedral of Christ.
Bus Routes: 13, 16, 19, 123 & (From O'Connell Street).
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Dublin Castle , Dublin 2
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