Chiaramonte Gothic Palace - details and images
Chiaramonte Gothic palace was built in 1320 by the Chiaramonte family influence. In 1397, the last senior of the family, Andrea Chiaramonte was beheaded by King Martin of Aragon, Castle Square in front of Marina.
During the 15th century hosted Aragonese Spanish viceroys of Sicily and later served as the royal customs. In 1601, Chiaramonte Palace became the headquarters of the Inquisition, also known as "Spanish Inquisition". Here, prisoners were interrogated, tortured and often burned at the stake. Executions were held in most of the times where there is now a park (Garden Garibaldi), Marina Square.
Chiaramonte was not built in isolation architecture. Its ornate windows, arches reminiscent of those of similar structures, especially in Italy, France and Spain.
Hall or Hall Baron "with wooden ceiling decorated with scenes or biblical, mythological and historical, all described and illustrated in the style of that period, including shields, is the main attraction of the palace. It is somewhat similar to the ceiling, his contemporary, the Chapel of Saint Agueda in Barcelona and Santo Domingo de Silos (also in Spanish), although probably influenced, to some extent, by the Palatine Chapel ceiling Arab painted almost Palermo two centuries earlier. Only a few other Sicilian aristocratic residences boast this type of decor, the best example of this is Castle of Carini.
Chiaramonte Palace (also called the Palace deleted) is open Tuesday to Saturday, usually between the hours of 09.00-13.00 and 14.30-6:30 p.m., and Sunday 10.00-14.00. It is closed on Mondays.
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