Church on the Hill - Sighisoara - details and images
Church on the Hill is by far the most valuable monument of ecclesiastical architecture of Sighisoara. She is a representative of the Gothic style buildings in our country, it is in terms of size, third in Romania. The present church was erected on the site of a Roman site, existing here before 1200. The church was also built in several stages until it reached the form that we see today.
They are: 1200-1250 Roman phase, 1250-1300, early Gothic phase (rectangular tower now stands at the far west), 1300-1345 first phase of St. Nicholas Church, 1345-1429, second phase of the Church of St. Nicholas ( appears basilica with three naves), 1429-1483, the current phase of the Hill Church (church hall in Gothic type). His first mention was made in 1345, when she appears in a document issued by the office of the Hungarian King Louis I, it appeared as the Church of St. Nicholas.
In addition to mural painting, one of the most interesting and valuable objects existing in the church is the beautiful Tabernacle, located on the northern side of the choir. And pews are of particular artistic value, especially in the chorus, made of linden wood and decorated in relief with plant forms and marquetry, which is, in a stylized form, the castle towers. Particularly interesting is the crypt, the unique religious monuments in Transylvania.
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