Church Type "Rotonda" - Geoagiu Bai - details and images
The church consists of a circular vessel with inner diameter of 5.5 m, followed by an east apse 2 m long and has an aperture of 3 m. The length of the ship toward building axis E - V is 7 m 9 m indoors and outdoors. Construction material for lifting brick rotunda was Romanian in association with lesser amounts of river rock, this more in the upper elevation. Rotunda entrance is via the SW, through a portal placed in masonry in a phase later. Above, two rows of medieval brick come out a little off in relation to parament, forming an arc easily broken. Another arc of semicircular shape made of brick and Romanian portal located higher than the current arc, must have been the initial one. Rotonda is provided with a total of six windows, except the west window is round, all others are rectangular with semicircular closure at the top. These windows belong to the form and style romanicesi age and are located in the upper elevations.
In the literature there are few references to this unique monument of worship in Transylvania. Rotunda Building is the only country that were left standing and can be seen. Around the church there is a cemetery, the first funerals began to be made in the eleventh century, the time of King Ladislaus I (1077 - 1095), and the last during the eighteenth century. Research cemetery was and is possible today only current area the court reformed the parish house, on land bounded strictly by its fence. In the eight campaigns of excavation, between the years 1993 - 2000, were discovered and investigated a total of 157 tombs, found in a total of 17 archaeological trenches (Supr. I, S. 1 - S. 16).
The graves in the cemetery located around the rotunda funeral distinguish two horizons: one old, vintage arpadiana - coins dated from the time of kings Ladislaus I of Hungary (1077 - 1095) and Coloman (1095 - 1114) -, another more recently, with burials possibly from the thirteenth century and continued into the next century.
In terms of chronology beginnings rotunda, still maintain our opinion that it was built at the earliest, probably in the late eleventh century, the twelfth-century
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