Cismigiu Park- Bucharest - details and images
Cismigiu Park is located in downtown, is the oldest park in Bucharest and spread over 17 hectares. In 1779 when the Romanian ruler, Alexander Ypsilanti ordered to build two fountains to have good drinking water, park name is derived from these fountains.
Opening the park took place in 1854. Cismigiu includes a vast garden in the French West Writers' Round and Round Roman and a rose garden (north), three lakes and is one of them being an island and a jetty where you can rent boats.
The park is bordered by boulevards Mihail Kogalniceanu (S) and Schitu Magureanu (V) and Stirbei streets (north) and Brezoianu (E) and has several entries entries: two by Queen Elizabeth Avenue, Second Avenue by Schitu Magureanu, one by Stirbei Street.
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